Skip to content First Name | Name | Town | Phone |
Prénom | Nom | Ville | Téléphone |
Sanda | Langer | Ajax | 416-902-9180 |
Meredith | Kerrigan | Aurora | 416-301-9499 |
Lisa | Reiter | Aurora | 905-713-1945 |
Victoria | Goodman | Barrie & Innisfil | 705-229-1200 |
Anna | Harder | Barrie & Collingwood | 705-446-9935 |
Jaime | Brethour | Beaverton | 705-341-3866 |
Jordynn | Akey | Belleville | 613-885-7939 |
Shelagh | Binks | Belleville | 613-779-0713 |
Michelle | Durkin | Belleville | 613-966-9660 |
Don | Stacey | Binbrook | 905-978-1082 |
Silvia N. | Delalande | Brampton | 416-402-6480 |
Helen | Rehling Nicolucci | Brampton | 905-456-7456 |
Marlene | Senaratne | Brampton | 905-487-2323 |
Martin | Herzan | Brockville | 613-926-9028 |
Susan | Nott | Bridgenorth | 705-292-7101 |
Linda | Agnew | Burlington | 905-335-4798 |
Cheryl | Gibson | Burlington | 905-659-7223 |
Rhonda | Sparks | Burlington | 905-319-2222 |
Lillian | Stokker | Burlington | 905-632-9821 |
David | Mazerolle | Burlington | 289 808-8508 |
Laureen | Schumann | Burlington | 289-337-6085 |
Stephenie | Udovc | Burlington | 905-632-6936 |
Cathy | Vanderwerf | Burlington | 905 631-9682 |
Jitka | Vok | Cambridge | 519-653-6619 |
Denise | Cameron | Cobourg | 905-376-4061 |
Frank | DiMaio | Coburg | 905-973-1802 |
Jean | Kidd-Miller | Collingwood | 519 374-9006 |
Isabella | Lehmann | Collingwood | 705-445-3295 |
Beth | Silva | Dorchester | 519-697-6101 |
Melissa | House | Dundas | 905-335-9355 |
Karen | Monk | Dundas | 905-512-0558 |
Kristen | Walsh | Dunsford | 705-340-3017 |
Lisa | Herbst | Etobicoke | 647-643-9015 |
Marianne | Martinovic | Etobicoke | 416-236-3444 |
Eleanor | Taylor Hepburn | Georgetown | 905-877-8822 |
Glenda | Barder | Geraldton | 808-853-1303 |
Frank | DiMaio | Grimsby | 289-235-8200 |
Cheryl | Gibson | Guelph | 905-659-7223 |
Sylvia | Holland | Haliburton | 705-457-1838 |
Luci | Carson | Hamilton | 905-385-3338 |
Cheryl | Gibson | Hamilton | 905-659-7223 |
Nick | Kostichin | Hamilton | 905 921-9603 |
Caralei | Peters | Hamilton | 905-528-1661 |
Isabel | Costa | Hamilton | 905-902-7610 |
Allison | Marriette | Hamilton | 905-906-6246 |
Joe | Vander Ploeg | Hamilton | 905-560-2300 |
Lori | Whittaker | Hamilton | 905-521-3056 |
Francine | Wong | Hamilton | 905-865-7081 |
Donna | Woodstock | Hillsburgh | 519-855-9846 |
Brandy | Strelec | Huntsville | 705-789-8998 |
Eleanor | Taylor Hepburn | Kincardine | 905-877-8822 |
Jennifer | Zarubick | Kincardine | 519-386-1731 |
Stephanie | Farwell | Kitchener | 519-893-7100 |
Amanda | Ferris | Kitchener | 519-656-9600 |
Veronika | Gold | Kitchener | 226-792-2634 |
Farahnaz | Mirzraagha | Kitchener | 519-722-6476 |
Yuliana | Rokhline | Waterloo | 519-591-8872 |
Poppy | Ruetz | Kitchener | 519-208-6813 |
Angela | Saenz | Kitchener | 519-716-1028 |
Monica | Brostean | Kitchener | 519 894-5533 |
Lesley | Heinz | Leamington | 519-326-8794 |
Heather | McGriskin | Lindsay | 705-328-0821 |
Anastasia | Milne-Parkes | Lindsay | 705-878-3353 |
Michelle | Repka | Lindsay | 705-344-4704 |
Andrea | Strickland | Lindsay | 705-324-7037 |
Jennifer | Boere | London | 519-652-6392 |
Gail | Barber | Lynden | 519-647-2623 |
Simone | Usselman-Tod | Lynden (Copetown) | 905-627-6797 |
Jordynn | Akey | Madoc | 613-885-7939 |
Karen | Dermody | Markham | 905-642-2600 |
Jean | Kidd-Miller | Meaford | 519 538-3002 |
Kim | Vivian | Milton | 905-875-2288 |
Lori | Davey | Mississauga | 905-290-1466 |
Janice | Robertson Taylor | Monkton | 519-347-2511 |
Kristina | Saunders | Newmarket | 289-221-4254 |
Susan | Fric | Newmarket | 905-953-9476 |
Carolyn | Jackson | Newmarket | 647-895-1144 |
Crystal | Bogusat | Niagara On The Lake | 905-329-9592 |
Donna | Taylor | Nobleton | 905-859-0677 |
Janet | Eldret | Oakville | 905-466-4658 |
Lisa | Rice | Oakville | 905-338-8807 |
Laureen | Schumann | Oakville | 905-510-1556 |
Ila | Sisson | Orangeville | 519-216-3115 |
Judith | Cahill | Oshawa | 905-431-2234 |
Jacqueline | Davies | Ottawa | 613-216-4661 |
Madeline | McBride | Ottawa | 613-809-7283 |
Katrine | Floegel Martin | Parry Sound | 705-774-9086 |
Brandy | Strelec | Parry Sound | 705-774-4887 |
Elena | Richmond | Perth | 613-864-6483 |
Darian | Gläske | Peterborough | 705-400-8454 |
Chandra | Carrier | Peterborough | 705-927-2602 |
Wei-Wei | Han | Peterborough | 705-743-1639 |
Chantal | Langlois | Peterborough | 705-755-0321 |
Helen | Jardine | Pickering | 905-903-0085 |
Jennifer | Haessler | Port Elgin | 519-832-4500 |
Barb | Weiss ND | Port Hope | 905-885-5111 |
Anastasia | Milne-Parkes | Port Perry | 705-878-3353 |
Cheryl | Gibson | Puslinch/Burlington | 905-659-7223 |
Shelley | Bowles | Richmond Hill | 905-884-3362 |
Frances | Turk | Rockwood | 519-853-4926 |
Tracey | Folkard | Sault Ste. Marie | 705-254-1080 |
Grace | Bochenek | St. Catharines | 905-325-2281 |
Barbara | Pohorly | St. Catharines | 905-937-7778 |
Katherine | Morton | Stirling | 613-885-1311 |
Joe | Vander Ploeg | Stoney Creek | 905-560-2300 |
Jodi | Whiteside | Sudbury | 705-698-7936 |
Connie | Pugliese | Thornhill | 905-731-0701 |
Debbie | Bazuik | Timmins | 705-365-0607 |
Sarah | Romanowski | Timmins | 705-267-5856 |
Cheryl | D'Costa | Toronto | 647-999-3420 |
Mark | Dreu | Toronto | 416-778-0780 |
Lilly | Eslahjou | Toronto | 416-843-9642 |
Tammy | Grime | Toronto | 416-760-9424 |
Katherine | Kremblewski | Toronto | 416-920-4325 |
Mark | Machan | Toronto | 416-616-2190 |
Marianne | Martinovic | Toronto | 416-236-3444 |
Olga | Papolis | Toronto | 416-491-7864 |
Zdenka Anne | Praljak | Toronto | 416-657-0274 |
Olivia | Sabbagh-Ciraco | Toronto | 416-690-6168 |
Ansa | Toikkanen | Toronto | 416-652-1264 |
Barbara | Weiss | Toronto | 416-322-3619 |
Rebecca | Word | Toronto | 416-250-7185 |
Jeffrey | Warren | Townsend | 519-484-9999 |
Sophia | Rouchotas | Unionville | 905-887-1892 |
Peggy | Haupt | Uxbridge | 647 404 6257 |
Jill | Potter | Uxbridge | 905-380-7883 |
Angela | Necula | Vaughan | 647-313-5633 |
Barbara | Brendemuehl | Waterloo | 519-743-1914 |
Denise | Onslow | Waterloo | 519-574-0515 |
Yuliana | Rokhline | Waterloo | 519-591-8872 |
Amanda | Ferris | Wellesley | 519-656-9600 |
Bettina | Wittemeier | West Hill | 416-283-8598 |
Raheema | Allana | Whitby | 647-994-3267 |
Carly | Bell | Windsor | 519-819-6084 |
Christopher | Djelebian | Windsor | 519-253-0280 |
Leah | Pitton | Wingham | 226-220-6172 |
Tony P. | Wong | Willowdale | 416-498-6539 |
Sasha | Tahilani | Woodbridge | 416-241-0099 |
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